KNU International English Church

Have fun and learn about God!

We love young families and make them a priority in our church. As part of our student ministries and in our children’s programs, we explain Christianity’s basics in a kid-friendly, engaging way, designed to help kids begin their spiritual journey. Our children's and teen's departments are a nurturing place where loving adults show Jesus’ love for kids and teens in a safe environment.

Kids' Church

10:30 AM

Kids' Church is offered for kids 1st-6th. At Kids' Church your child will have fun and learn the stories of the Bible as well as what they mean for their lives. Kids will be able to make friends and learn about the love of Jesus! We look forward to meeting you and your family.

Teens' Bible Study

11 AM

Teens meet to discuss the works of Jesus through their lives as teens. With relevant discussions and lessons, as well as fun bonding activities, your teen will learn to navigate life while honoring and loving the Lord. Our teens bible study includes students in middle-school through high-school.

Frequently asked Questions

What time do I need to come to check in my kids and teens?

Children's church starts at the same time as our adult worship service (10:40 AM) so please come 5-10 minutes early to check in your children and find your seat.

 Teens stay in the main service for the music and opening (starting at 10:40) and then leave for Bible study. 

Where does children's church and teens' bible study take place?

Children's church takes place in the same building and on the same floor as our adult service. They meet right down the hall in room 615 of the Nazarene building on the KNU campus.

The teens bible study also takes place in the same building and on the same floor as our adult service. They meet in room 614.

Who will be taking care of my children?

Our childcare workers are trained volunteers with years of experience working with children as educators and as parents.

What do kids normally do in children's church?

At children's church students learn about the Bible and morals through activities, crafts, stories, songs, and games.

What other activities do the youth do?

 They have lunch on Sunday after the service and then play sports and fellowship. Twice a year they have an overnight retreat during school breaks.

Is there anything for preschoolers?

There is a playroom for toddlers and preschoolers with a live broadcast of the service available for the parents in the room.